… And now for something completely different.

Note: This lovely “WHAT THE BLOODY HELL!?” moment comes to us courtesy the keen eye of Robin, who spotted this ad* in a bridal magazine. Oh, those wild and crazy bridal magazines! Anyway. Robin runs a little blog named HitchDied. You should go read it. Really, she is much funnier than I am.

I am deviating from the normal format with this one, folks. This one begged for a short story accompaniment. Scroll down and read on.



Burke slid his sunglasses down his nose and surveyed the tarmac.

When the Admiral had pulled him aside and sternly asked him to watch over his precious daughter – “She can be a real handful, son,” he’d warned — he most definitely didn’t have this in mind.

It was a great day for flying. It was a nice day for a… white wedding.

His mood turned contemplative. How would the helmet fit over that ferret thing curled up on the top of her head? How would the minister fit inside the cockpit? Would they lose him on the first barrel roll?

No matter. He was ready. Locked and loaded.

He was Ghost Rider, and he was buzzing the Tower, requesting a flyby of dat ass.

Let’s see how many G’s this baby can pull.


* I always Photoshop out all the branding elements and text before I repost these ads, but I feel the need to point out that this one originally had a hilarz tag line that could not be ignored: “WHAT WOMEN WANT.” Um. UM. Really? We want Top Gun? We want ferret head? *Snort* Yes! Yes that’s right! That’s exactly what we want. Keep up the good work! *Eye roll*


Deviance, pt. 14 | Deviance, pt. 13 | Deviance, pt. 12Deviance, pt. 11 Deviance, pt. 10 | Deviance, pt. 9 | Deviance, pt. 8 | Deviance, pt. 7Deviance, pt. 6 | Deviance, pt. 5Deviance, pt. 4Deviance, pt. 3Deviance, pt. 2 | Deviance, pt. 1