Instead of the usual rehearsal dinner at a fancy restaurant with the wedding party and parents, what if we threw a big pancake dinner for everyone?

I sketched these pancakes at work today. Because it's not like I have a catalog to get out or anything.

I sketched these pancakes at work today. Because it’s not like I have a catalog to get out or anything.

I can see it now. Mimosas, fruit toppings, maybe even bacon. Probably bacon. Definitely bacon, knowing the beau. And perhaps omelettes. Maybe someone would come make omelettes for us. For free.

We could make it a whimsical affair. The invite would say, “Come on down for pancakes in the park. We’ll be eating in the dark. I dare you to chew the bark. On a lark. Have you seen my gratuitous link to fark?”

Get it? Because it rhymed?


There will be maple syrup, of course. And don’t worry, we’ll make sure it’s on the table before the pancakes are.

Raymond: Of course you can't have pancakes without maple syrup. Charlie: You bet your butt.

Raymond: Of course you can’t have pancakes without maple syrup. Charlie: You bet your butt.

** I caught most of Rain Man on AMC on Sunday. Can you tell?