You know what? It has come to my attention that living with your beloved is a lot like living with a total stranger. Except sometimes you and the stranger make out.

The beau and I are pretty busy people. He travels for work and rugby a lot, and I’ve usually got some extracurricular project going on. The rare hours we are both at home together, we’re in two separate worlds: He’s watching TV or cooking dinner, and I’m tethered to my laptop or straightening up the house. When we do talk, it’s limited to random, brief bursts of chatter completely lacking context or antecedent, like some form of mild conversational Tourette’s. Highlights from yesterday included:

“We need to buy some new, non-shitty towels.”

“You hear that? The wind finally stopped.”

“Did you lock the front door?”

“I’m going to have bacon for breakfast. And then I’m going to have bacon for lunch.”

“Guess what? I have boobs!” *

There’s a downside to reaching that comfort level where you don’t have to make an effort with the other person, and this is it. Days go by where our deepest level of conversation involves who is going to get up to put the next load of laundry in the washer. When exactly did we run out of things to talk about? Who is this strange dude in my house, anyway? **

Oh sure, sometimes I try to jumpstart a little verbal spark. Probe a little bit inside the beau’s head. Root around in his brain. Unfortunately, my fallback method for attempting to communicate beyond “What should we have for lunch?” is to ask him what he’s thinking about. Like, RIGHT THIS SECOND. His standard response, of course, is work and rugby. But no, I implore him. Tell me what are you really thinking. Like REALLY REALLY thinking. “I don’t think,” he says. “I’m a boy.”

This relationship shit is a lot of work.

What do you do to reconnect with your favorite person?


* I know! It’s SO CRAZY!!!

** I may not know his name, but at least he’s cute.