Year: 2010

in which i navel-gaze

A few months ago an ex-boyfriend contacted me on Facebook.* Yeah. Ex-boyfriend. I did things bass-ackwards when I was younger, just so you know. I spent 85% of college shackled in a long-term relationship, and my mid-twenties...

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I just found out the USPS is releasing a Calvin & Hobbes postage stamp!!!!!!! The bad news is that it goes on sale in July, which just about two months AFTER our wedding invitations need to go out. Boo. Curse words. Stamping...

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in which i wear the pants

A couple weeks ago a flyer arrived in the mail from Men’s Wearhouse. Some deal on wedding tuxedo rentals. The punchline? It was addressed to me. “This Valentine’s Day, Men’s Wearhouse cordially invites...

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when cynicism attacks

I’m tired of the internet. No, scratch that. I’m tired of looking at weddings on the internet. Lately it seems like every “real wedding” post I read kicks off with the same breathlessly gushy introduction...

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rebel rebel

Listen. I understand that traditionally, the maid of honor hosts the bridal shower. But all of my brigadiers are broke. They are wrestling with student loans, cuts in pay at work, working extra jobs, car troubles, going back to...

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